The central Albanian town of Elbasan after a downpour.
In 1999 Dissident
Editions (me) proposed to "Friends of Albania"
(Miqtë e Shqiperisë) in England a modest project on behalf
of the donkeys (gomerë) of Albania, a country where veterinarians
and veterinary services are very few.
As a result of initial and anonymous
funding by Dissident Editions, further cash was raised by the
secretary and organiser of FoA, Miss Primrose Peacock. Veterinarians
from England and Austria kindly offered their services at no
cost, and, eventually, the Society for the Protection of Animals
Abroad (SPANA) sponsored a Scottish veterinarian and offered
literature in Albanian, tools and pharmaceuticals.
The very wealthy
British charity, The Donkey Sanctuary, refused to help
the project in any way.
Diaconia Agapes ne bashkepunim me organizaten angleze
BESA: Miqte e Shqiperise organizon ne zonen e
Shpatit Projektin 'GOMAR'.
specialiste nga Anglia, Zelanda e Re dhe Austria do
te trajtojne kafshet tuaja te punes (gomere, mushka,
kuaj) per probleme te ndryshme qe kafshet mund te kene
si probleme me thundrat, demtime nga samari probleme
te gojes etj.
te mirepritur me
DATE 10 TETOR 2000
ORA 9.00 ne Gjinar.
Notice posted at Gjinar by Diakonia Agap�s.
From the 9th to
the 13th of October 2000, the veterinarians and their facilitators
both Albanian and foreign worked and spoke in five villages
around Elbasan in central Albania: Balëz, Gjimar, Gjergjan,
Thane and Papër. They were ably assisted by veterinarian
staff from Elbasan and Tiranë and by workers for Diakonia
AgaphV (Diakonia Agap�s: Service of Love)
in Gjinar.
Much local interest
was aroused, and many owners of donkeys (as well as horses and
mules) turned up at the advertised places at the appointed times.
They were obviously fond of their equines, and anxious that
they have their teeth looked at and seen to, that they be inspected
for parasites, and so on.
The following pictures were takern by the organizer,
� Primrose Peacock.

At Gjinar, 11.00 in the morning.

Austrian veterinarian, Edmund Hainisch at Gjinar.

A loving owner and a patient at Gjinar.

English veterinarian Neil Rudram at Balëz.

New Zealand veterinarian Ian Dacre examining teeth at Papër.

The river-bank near Papër
Ottoman Architecture >
Click on this image
to go to an Albanian
archæological web-site.
albanian emigration
of albania
and donkey protect each other against human cruelty
A young
Albanian man smokes a cigarette
as his younger wife carries hay alongside the main road near
February 24, 2003.

In rural
Albania, as all over the world,
'tradition' dictates that women to do all the house
with men never helping, as this is seen to be a sign of weakness
if not 'effeminacy'. By walking thus alongside her
he flaunts his male superiority.
REUTERS/Arben Celi