Vrhka Baba
here for

201. The self is a machine for telling half-convincing stories
to consciousness.
202. Literature
is only lies from which truth occasionally drips like blood from
Science is stories of our desire to explain and control. Art is
only lipstick on the monster of humanity.
203. Truth
- and the tender indifference of non-human nature - are what less
than one percent of one percent of 1% of human beings have the
shame to face.
All our secrets are the same.
204. Those who
are true to themselves the false call 'failures'.
205. True
'respect for life', human or non-human, is refusal to be involved
in bringing it and its consequences into the world.
206. Science
- and hence our culture - is largely based on Wishful Thinking
harnessed to technology. Myth, its opposite, is concerned with
Hubris and Retribution. We would do well to abandon the unreality
of Science and immerse ourselves in the truths of Myth.
207. Myth
is immortal because it is meaningless.
208. There
can be neither 'enlightenment' nor 'happiness'
until all human beings abandon hope and action. Happiness starts
from the embracing of pessimism - which is why dogs, too, though
divine heroes and saints, flagrantly ruled by desire, cannot be
209. In
the world-holocaust every drop of milk and every mouthful of meat
is a war-crime. But humiliated, infinitely-forgiving Nature does
not accuse.
210. The
higher the standard of living, the lower the standards of people.
211. Slaughter
for its own sake:
All the animals gratuitously slaughtered - and all the humans
who are slaughtered and uneaten.
212. Not
just because all property is theft from Nature
all governments are criminal.
213. What
we call 'instinct' is usually conditioning;
what we call 'progress' is usually increasing dependence upon
214. A
'free' press loves bad news, but the censored medical and pharmaceutical
press almost never prints it.
215. Foot-and-mouth
disease: civilisation never misses an opportunity to indulge in
'necessary' slaughter.
216. Foot-and-mouth
disease: Nature will thank you for not eating meat or milk. And
thank you for not breeding, either.
217. Quite
apart from our destructive internal problems, the external problem
of mankind is the problem of scale.
Because we have been overweeningly successful as a species, everything
we take, we take way too far. Everything we do, we do to excess,
too much, too often, way beyond reason.
218. Power
in and over the world is not only confined to one species, but
because of the terrible discovery of agriculture which has the
biosphere on the run, and the totalitarian essence of civilisation,
it is confined to the ever more powerful and greedy within that
species - that less-than-1% who are systematically plundering
the planet and impoverishing us all.
219. Evil
is inevitable when activity becomes industry.
220. Industrialised
farming is a greater threat to the planet than nuclear power -
or nuclear war.
221. When
Science rolls up its sleeves for Money,
the whole world must shrink into cowed and deferential silence.
Animals are totally themselves, while we are mostly not ourselves
but cultural artifacts. Thus man is the only banal animal.
223. To
produce the first billion Homo sapiens sapiens took about a million
years. To produce the third billion of our species took only fourteen
224. Man's
most permanent achievement is squalor.
225. 225
hectares of forest a day are cut down in the Himalayan foothills,
not for newsprint, but to burn the dead in pyres.
226. Out
of the seven thousand kinds of food once grown by man, only nine
are now grown.
Forty-seven of the hundred largest economies in the world are
not states but companies. At least thousand known species will
disappear from the earth in the next twenty-five years - and thousands
of species remain unknown.
227. We
are all born human, but from our very first day are turned into
cultural artefacts, normalised into "members of society".
228. The
world is cursed by those who think their minds belong to them.
229. Man
can do the unimaginable - but cannot live with his fellow-beings
(much less with other species), nor himself, nor the world in
which he slowly evolved.
230. Language
is itself a noisy admission of failure to communicate. And because
language is not transparent, thought is not transparent, either.
231. Religion
is the crass attempt to cram the vacuum caused by consciousness.
232. "There
are certain types of success," said Degas, "that are indistinguishable
from hysteria." Living in luxury undreamed by Roman Emperors we
are not ecstatic cats but moan and complain about our neighbours
and the price of luxuries.
233. As
the seed that is Osiris chokes the world, the planet needs successful
people like it needs a hole in the ozone layer.
The species that makes things happen makes only terrible things
234. We
are told the lie that culture and art can improve us from without.
'Western Democracy' is a frightening cargo-cult of lies and fantasies.
235. Tolstoy
spun a story of a Russian princess who went to the theatre in
the depth of winter and was moved to pity by the play while her
coachman died of the cold outside.
We are not improvable from without, but only from within, by being
utterly honest and authentic.
236. Even
music - even Classical Indian music - reduces life to the spectacle
of our own refined emotions. We are moved by Sibelius or Raag
Malkauns - as Hitler was moved by Wagner.
237. Knowledge
is a kind of self-licking arse. The only insight is doubt.
238. Civilisation
is like meringue: sickly sophistication surrounding a void.
239. A
concept (such as 'importance') is a fantasy, a trick or a tool,
a lie, or a totalitarian criminality. To paraphrase Radakhrishnan:
the mind (which of course is itself a concept) which
has a concept becomes trapped by it. The most perverted of
concepts is the concept of Normality.
240. Our
contribution to the planet is tragedy.
In this word is our history, for 'tragos' in ancient Greek
meant goat. Tragedy was an ode to the goat-god - and it was the
overgrazing of the lands of the southern Mediterranean which made
them so barren. The goat-god eventually turned into mediæval devil
- not, however, because he had created deserts - but because of
his sexy smell and allegedly uncontrolled concupiscence.
Considering ourselves the only creatures with the power of reason,
we have by our selective use of that power filled the world with
pain and death. We use reason like a mask, or like a horse, or
like a hammer.
242. 'The
Sixth Extinction' of the Earth has not come about by man's exuberance
and joie-de-vivre, not as an unfortunate result of everyone having
a great time, but by the relentless grind and dull routines of
sub-human truculence and misery.
'Humanity' is the Mad Genie of Dreariness escaped from the bottle
of Nature.
243. The
wisest man in all the world is far, far less visible than I.
244. To
act seems to be useless; not to act is to seem to sink into the
hateful confederacy of smug.
245. 'Progress'
is the now-exponential growth of uneasy contempt of rich for poor,
cities for swamps, and the 'successful' for 'failures'.
246. Art
is not honest, but tricks us into believing that we are.
247. Truth,
knowledge, wisdom, happiness
cannot be secret - but
they are invisible to those who believe in Education.
'Better to die,' Ananda Coomaraswamy said, 'ten years too
early than ten minutes too late.'
249. We
cannot come to terms with our intelligence, so we endlessly seek
irrational powers through reason selectively applied.
250. The
moment of suicide will come like a taste for champagne - or a
revelation: the ultimate oracle.

251. No society is better than its prisons.
252. The
truly insane are not locked up - they are those who dictate our
253. Living
justly involves the constant contemplation of suicide (or self-eradication)
- for to live is to live unjustly.
254. The
greatest genius is to live well and consume very little, but we
have reached the stage where to be alive at all is to consume
too much.
255. To
live justly involves the refusal of parenthood one way or another.
256. The
'ethical animal' is the impossible animal: the only one who acts
on irrational fears and crazy desires, who tramples on its own
aesthetics, which are more rational and kinder than ethics.
257. The
only moral species is the only stupid one, the only ugly species,
the only criminal one: morals, as Genet pointed out, are invented
by criminals.
258. Cultural
Alienation: to think that hospitality is something to be paid
259. The
world is dying not through the tyranny of tyrants but from the
sham of mass democracy.
260. Civilisation
is degeneration from dance to transaction,
and knowledge is the slide from the symbolic to the literal.
261. "Western
Society" has become one vast private boarding-school run
not for our benefit but to make money by providing a false solution
('success') to an artificial problem ('achievement') which obscures
the real problem of blasphemy.
262. Happiness
is simply a romantic fantasy in the narrow reality of the double-glazed
gulags of consumption.
263. Consciousness
is a committee of simpletons, self-servers and sycophants in the
264. Our
first communication is crying.
265. The
universal desire (all cultures being drug cultures) to alter our
state of consciousness and the quality of awareness which controls
it, whether very crudely through alcohol or glue or amyl nitrite,
or more sophisticatedly by music or sex, or more seriously through
fasting, ritual or non-euphoric mushrooms, suggests that the state
of consciousness regarded as 'normal' is in fact a depressed state
of consciousness.
266. To
smoke marijuana (for example) is to consult an oracle. The oracle
is always inside, and has to be tempted out or up. Unfortunately,
our culture is anti-oracular as it is anti-mythic, and so people
who smoke marijuana usually do it to get 'out of their heads'
rather than into their heads. They do not realise that any drug
is a vehicle, and that all destinations are within us, not within
the drug or outside our inborn capabilities. Casual, euphoria-seeking
users reject or block out the oracle, of course, because our increasingly
hedonistic and anti-mythic culture has suppressed all sense and
knowledge of the oracular.
(The poet drowns in the sea of prose.).
267. If
the world is dreaming us, it will wake up dead.
268. Instead
of being polymorphously perverse, we have made ourselves monoculturally
banal through celebrity and money.
269. Our
uncontrollable rape of the planet would suggest that we do not
live in harmony within our heads. History is not victories, but
rapes and abortions.
270. Because
Jesus of Galilee's original Work was an anti-conformist, anti-family,
commensal, Outsider Network of Compassion, it is interesting that
the word cretin derives from the French for Christian.
271. Georges
Simenon was convinced that the future was for the insects, which
'possess powers unimaginable even to God'.
272. Shakespeare
(England's Verdi) is a pile of bandages which is claimed to be
a marvellous tapestry.
273. Even
if every household recycled everything, the destruction of the
biosphere would continue unabated, because the real problem for
the planet is not the private individual, but business.
274. All
the wisdom of the world can be written on a couple of pages -
which is why it is never published.
275. Replicators
replicate, communicators almost communicate, but the wise are
silently wise.
276. Doctors
kill more people than soldiers, and humans kill a million times
more animals than other animals.
277. The
last taboo: to challenge the pretence that people are likeable
- much less loveable.
278. The
greatest (and only true) achievement of 'high achievers' is to
make the rest of us feel inferior.
279. To
be able to admit that you're wrong is a sign of maturity. Governments
never do. We are ruled by infantile institutions. Institutions
are by definition infantile.
280. On
either side of sex were constructed religion, then sport, and
finally, above it, love. And all of them are only as important
as we persuade ourselves to think they are.
281. Love
which wants loyalty is worthless. Sex is mostly lust and lies
told to oneself as well as to others. It chooses to forget the
banality of orgasm.
282. To
devise and live your own agenda you must assume that little that
you're told is rational, much less true.
'Only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair can the soul's
habitation henceforth safely be built', wrote Bertrand Russell.
But human beings are the only creatures without souls.
284. "The
Milk of Human Kindness" is how the rapist might describe
his sperm.
285. Caring
about what the world thinks is the opposite of caring about the
286. Time
is a big bolt of cloth which we tear into bandages.
287. What
man has the arrogance to say 'A child would be glad to have me
as a father.' ?
288. The
notions of coherence and consistency alienate us both from Nature
and our nature.
289. Drugs
of dependence - whether nicotine or opiates - make one dependent
on Big Business. The most powerful, cruel and insidious addictions
are to the cancer of comfort and the progress of banality.
290. The
Rights of Man tend to lead to natural wrongs.
The most popular human right: the right to remain deceived.
291. Art
is mostly harmless - except when used to justify culture.
292. Apocalypse
is when and where all will and power are one.
And before 'humanity' drowns in the banal shallows of its own
293. Armageddon:
it is interesting that a hill in Samaria should so accidentally
have as resonant a name as Auschwitz or Hiroshima.
294. When
I hear or read the word 'humanity'
I think 'sentimental malice'.
295. The
only true Christian I have heard of is a female Japanese missionary
who washes the feet of Native Canadian and other prostitutes.
296. "The
only thing to distrust is The Normal." - John
297. Territories
are the womb of terrorism; there is no fear where no fence runs.
298. The
two most powerful and enduring forces for evil - apart from agriculture
- that the world has yet known are 'United':- 'Kingdom' and 'States'.
The latter was launched from the terrible platform of the former.
And agriculture led to both. Without agriculture there are no
empires, no tyrannies, no prisons, no religions.
299. Everything
we want is worthless, in the face of the banality of suffering
and pain and poverty.
300. Among
the hundreds of thousands of caring people who are dedicated to
helping people destroy all other living creatures,
biologists estimate that there are five thousand times too
many human beings on the planet.

